
Anti-Bullying Policy

At Callington Primary all members of the school community are entitled to a safe, secure and caring environment. It is EVERYONE’S responsibility to ensure this happens.

Enrolment Policy

Children can start school after their fifth birthday. In 2014, South Australia has moved to a one intake policy with all children starting school at the beginning of the school year.

If your child's birthday falls between 1st January and 30th April they will start school in Term 1. If their birthday falls on or after May 1st they will start school at the beginning of the following year.

A comprehensive transition program is in place to ensure children feel safe and secure. Parents are very much part of the Transition Program, attending information sessions while their child is visiting their classroom.

Callington Primary is not a zoned school so we welcome all enquiries regarding enrolment. For general enrolment enquiries please contact the school on 85385046

Student Attendance Policy

This policy outlines the responsibilities of all parties concerned and sets out the procedures which will be followed when a student is absent from school without a satisfactory explanation, or when a student is consistently late for school.

Catastrophic Fire Danger Days

Callington Primary School will be closed on Code Red, Catastrophic Fire Danger Days. Parents will be notified in writing or by text message the day before.