
Feb 28, 2018

Conversation over Coffee sessions are run at Callington Primary once a term. These sessions are an opportunity to get information about the school and learning in a relaxed atmosphere, also providing a chance to get to know other parents and listen to their experiences with parenting, teaching and learning. Often special guests are invited to these sessions.

June 28, 2018

The students in Mr Ratcliff’s class have fabulous Library bags made by Kate LeCouter. The students have decorated them. Having their own library bag is a great incentive for them to look after the books they borrow and provides a safe place for their books as they travel between school and home. Please encourage your children to use their library bags and I hope this will help them to remember to return their Library books.

Sept 21, 2018

Teachers from Callington Primary will be joining other teachers and leaders from Heysen Partnership (the group of schools in our area) for training. The Visible Learning Framework is something that the Partnership has committed to for 3 years, and continue the work commenced in 2017. There will be two further Pupil Free Days, on Friday 29 June and Friday 21 September, when staff will participate further. Another Pupil Free Day will be held in Term 4 with a date yet to be decided.